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Handmade Rich Chocolate Earrings

Handmade Rich Chocolate Earrings

A pretty pair of handmade rich chocolate earrings. These beautiful rich chocolate earrings are hand made from recycled paper with each bead carefully rolled and varnished. Each pair is hand crafted and unique.

The stylish patterns and design can’t be replicated because they are derived naturally from the paper, angle of the cut and style of the roll.This makes this pair of earrings special and the natural colour makes it a natural match with any outfit and design.

Its is a handmade one of a kind gift that is great for any anniversary, birthday, holiday, summer, mothers day or special occasion. The unique design of these handmade rich chocolate earrings makes you feel special, beautiful and stand out from everyone else and can compliment your outfit from work to a party.

These are Chic and Charm to wear, using hand rolled paper beads, glass beads and sterling silver wire, could easily become your favourite pair of earrings.

Handmade rich chocolate earrings, and all earrings are exclusive creations, all manufactured by AfriArtisan within a choice of the best quality materials, carefully crafted and specially designed. Your earrings are made with love and a passion for making beauty from the natural world.

These handmade rich chocolate earrings are a beautiful piece perfect for giving to a special someone or as a gift to yourself!

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